Why are people scared of Public Speaking?

Public speaking is a common fear for many people. In fact, according to a recent survey, public speaking is ranked as the number one fear, even more than death! Yes, you read that right. People are more scared of public speaking than they are of dying. But why is that? Let’s take a closer look at why public speaking is so scary and what you can do to conquer your fear.

First of all, let’s get one thing straight: public speaking is not a natural activity for most people. We’re not born with the ability to confidently stand up in front of a crowd and deliver a speech. It takes practice, preparation, and a lot of hard work. And let’s face it, most of us would rather be doing something else than practicing our public speaking skills.

Another reason people are scared of public speaking is that it involves putting yourself out there. When you’re standing in front of a crowd, you’re vulnerable. People are looking at you, listening to you, and judging you. It’s natural to feel nervous or self-conscious in this situation. But the truth is, most people in the audience want you to succeed. They’re not there to tear you down or make you look foolish.

Another factor that contributes to public speaking fear is the fear of failure. We all want to do well and make a good impression. But what if we stumble over our words, forget what we’re supposed to say, or just completely bomb? The fear of failure can be paralyzing, but it’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes. Even the most experienced public speakers have had their share of flubs and failures.

So, how can you conquer your fear of public speaking? Here are a few tips:

  1. Practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your speech or presentation, the more comfortable and confident you’ll feel.

  2. Prepare thoroughly. Make sure you have a clear outline of what you want to say and any visual aids you’ll be using.

  3. Visualize success. Close your eyes and imagine yourself delivering your speech with confidence and poise.

  4. Focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths before you start speaking to calm your nerves.

  5. Start small. If the thought of speaking in front of a large crowd is too overwhelming, start by speaking in front of a small group of friends or colleagues.
  6. Remember that everyone gets nervous. You’re not alone in feeling scared of public speaking.

World number 3 Public Speaking Winner of 2022, Coach Mahathir from MicFront Academy of Public Speaking said this during an interview. “When I had to speak in front of almost a thousand people in Nashville, USA, I was nervous.. Even to a smaller group of audience locally it makes me nervous too, but that’s the beauty of being nervous because it keeps you on your toes to do your best.”

Psychologists also found that people who have nervousness tends to perform better than those who have too much nervousness or none at all! Cool right?

In conclusion, public speaking may be scary, but it’s also a skill that can be mastered with practice and preparation. By understanding why we’re scared of public speaking and taking steps to overcome our fear, we can become confident and effective communicators. So go out there, grab that microphone, and show the world what you’ve got!

If you’re looking for a Public Speaking expert who can help you overcome your fears of public speaking, whether a kid, adult or a corporation, click here to get started!